Fire Up & ThundR Out - Arms Of Thunder 
Y2K1 Championship Results


Arms of Thunder Y2K1 Overall Champion
1st Place - Mike Weimer 2nd Place - Charles Fisk 3rd Place - Les Whims

Pro Left  0 - 154lbs
1st Place - Les Whims 2nd Place - Milton Christmas

Pro Right 155 - 176
1st Place - Milt Christmas 2nd Place - Les Whims

Pro Right 221lbs+
1st Place - Charles Fisk 2nd Place - Joel Hedgepeth 3rd Place - Donovan Willis

Novice Left  155 -176lbs
1st Place - Jeff Kaiser 2nd Place - Carl Volpe

Novice Left  199lbs+
1st Place - Dave Arnold 2nd Place - Donovan Willis 3rd Place - Chuck Jackson

Novice Right 0 - 154lbs
1st Place - Brian Liddle 2nd Place - Brad Turner       3rd Place - Vincent Tibb

Novice Right 155 - 176lbs
1st Place - Jeff Kaiser 2nd Place - Ken Berry

Novice Right  177 - 198lbs
1st Place - Tony McGee 2nd Place - Charles Mitchell     3rd Place - Mike Howe

Novice Right 199 - 242lbs
1st Place - Charles Fisk 2nd Place - Robert Douglas      3rd Place - Ken Book

Novice Right 243lbs+
1st Place- Mike Weimer    2nd Place - Sherwin Hawkins   3rd Place- Bernard Newton

On behalf of the Charles County Fair committee and the Fire Up & ThundR Out  staff we would like to thank everyone who participated in our Inaugural tournament. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with those families that lost loved ones due to the terrorist hijacking.  Also, a special salute to the pilot and passengers that fought the terrorist causing their plane to crash in Somerset, PA. rather than allow the plane be used as a weapon against an American target.  Last but not least to the heroes that continue to work under adverse conditions at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  We may be bruised but we are United more than ever.  God Bless America, my home sweet home. 



ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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