In 1979 The World Arm Wrestling Federation (4 words) (WAWF) was formed with 4 countries initially involved. These were Brazil, Canada, India and the United States. There were several people involved in this very beginning of the WAWF and not just the couple of people who continue to call themselves the founders of WAWF. We recognize their contributions and will always do so. One of the several founders of WAWF was John Miazdzyk from Canada. This gentleman was quite a competitor and promoter and a very important cog in the wheel that started the WAWF down its road to what it is today. Along with the Canadian Arm Wrestling Federation (CAWF), (known today as the Canadian Armwrestling (1 word) Federation (CAWF), John hosted the first WAWF championships in 1979 in Weytaskwin, Alberta, Canada. Once everyone arrived at this tournament, no one including the athletes paid for anything. This was a tradition that John wanted in the WAWF. As we all know, it would be quite difficult to do so today, with the way the sport has grown. But yet, many of us believe that it will come back to that, especially when we become an Olympic sport. John passed away in 1989 from a cancerous tumor. He was only 40 years old. This is why we have the John Miazdzyk Memorial Award, given out to those who have given of their time and effort to advance the sport of armwrestling. Remember the Spirit!

            You may wonder what all this has to do with the unification of the 2 WAF factions, but I want to tell you a little more history. Today WAF is known as the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF) (1 word in armwrestling). It has gone on to different name changes and acronyms, the first in the early 90’s to the World Armsport Federation and in the later 90’s to the World Armwrestling Federation (armwrestling being 1 word). The changes are actually insignificant, merely to tell the difference between 2 factions. The WAF was always meant to be a democratic organization, with a voice to be heard from everybody involved. Unfortunately, some could not cope with democracy and therefore a split was born. This happened in 1998 under very much the same circumstances that are happening again in the WAF regime led by Bari Baran Das.  Bob O’leary and Das created that split by making unilateral decisions by themselves, totally ignoring what had been voted on democratically at the WAF General Congress. Again this is happening within that organization, now posing a third spilt which could faction into another world organization. The point is my friends, our organization, the World Armwrestling Federation, the true WAF has never deviated from its course or mandate set in 1979. We have stayed true and on course. These are the facts and you can see now from what has happened in 1998 to Canada causing the split, is now happening again in Italy creating another rift in the armwrestling world. The choice is clear. Unification has to happen and we ask everyone to come back to the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF). We know it can work much better and we are ready to do that, MAKE IT WORK!

   There will be many things to discuss, but first we must unite

Thank you for your time. Remember the spirit.


Fred Roy
President of WAF



ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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