Report from USA President Denise Wattles
February 2004

First of all I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to all of those on Team USA for the time and sacrifices you made to attend the XXV WAF World Armwrestling Championships held in Ottawa. I am very proud of each of you and congratulate you on your stellar performance. To place in the top 3 teams in the World is a huge accomplishment and no one but the athletes can be credited with achieving such a goal. Once again, Congratulations and Thank You!

    The United States ArmSports has grown to 32 member associations since 1998 and we are continuously being contacted for information about membership. All promoters are welcome to join USA. There are still no membership dues and all the member associations do their best to promote each others tournaments. The website, which first appeared in 1995, receives an average of 16,907 “hits” daily and the total for the month of December 2003 was 508,669 “hits”. Member Associations of United States ArmSports have been very successful in securing media coverage. Turner Broadcasting, Discovery Channel, David Letterman, Caroline Rhea and many others have taken notice of our sport and brought it into millions of living rooms all over the World.  For the last year Caesar Productions has been taping footage for the documentary “Pulling John” culminating with the competition at the Arnold Classic Armwrestling Challenge 2004.  “Pulling John” will contain footage of many current Champions in our sport including their daily lives and workout methods. It also includes some less known “up and comers” in the sport. The development of will also be a huge boost for Armwrestling. Due entirely to the dedication of its’ member associations, United States ArmSports has made great strides in the advance of Armwrestling. I believe that as President Bush has his program “Leave No Child Behind”, the United States ArmSports is promoting a program of “Leave No Armwrestler Behind”. Armwrestling will only advance to greater heights with the dedication, cooperation and support of all promoters and athletes.

 United States ArmSports is recognized by the World Armwrestling Federation as the official representative of the United States. It is the duty of United States ArmSports to organize a team for the World Armwrestling Federation Championship each year. United States ArmSports is also the only recognized association in the U.S. that will take armwrestlers to the very prestigious Zloty Tur in Poland November 6, 2004.  This tournament offers outstanding prize money and superior awards. Mr. Igor Mazurenko, who hosted the 2001 WAF Worlds, definitely knows what it takes to put on a superior event and the Zloty Tur will be no exception.

    The United States ArmSports is in the process of finalizing all the details of the 2004 USA Unified Nationals and will have all the details posted within 2 weeks. All members of United States ArmSports have the opportunity each year to bid for hosting the USA Unified Armwrestling Championships. The bids submitted before the Unified Nationals each year will be reviewed and approved by the USA Executive Board. Location, accommodations, transportation, awards and benefits for the competitors are only a part of the criteria reviewed by the Executive Board. In the past, the USA Unified Nationals has been hosted by the International Armwrestling Federation, Southern States Arm Wrestling Association, Illinois Armsport Association and the United States Armwrestling Association. The qualifying tournaments are open to all armwrestlers regardless of affiliation and no membership dues are required to participate. The USA Unifieds have been great events growing in number each year to the attendance of over 350 in Little Rock, Arkansas in 2003. 

   The USA team has been selected from qualifying athletes at the USA Unified Nationals in each of 57 weight divisions since 1998. The 2004 WAF World’s are being held in South Africa and promises to be an outstanding event hosted by the South Africa Arm Wrestling Association. In 2004 the top 2 in each division at the USA Unified National Championship will automatically secure a spot on the US Team should they decide to attend. If one of the top 2 finishers is not able to attend then the other armwrestlers in succession in that respective class will be given the opportunity to attend until the team is filled. The US Team that will be attending the World Armwrestling Federation Championship in Tokyo Japan in 2005 will be selected in the exact same process. The location of the 2005 USA Unified Nationals will be announced by the end of 2004 and the qualifying armwrestlers at that tournament will represent the United States at the XXVII WAF Armwrestling Championship in Tokyo, Japan.

  It is no secret that United States ArmSports has made several proposals to Frank and Karen Bean to join USA in the promotion of Armwrestling. American Armsport Association has been a great asset to the sport of Armwrestling for many years. Just imagine what the United States ArmSports and American Armsport Association could do together! Keep up the good work and I hope to see you soon.

Yours in ArmSports, Denise Wattles

President, United States ArmSports



ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

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