Dear Mr. Devoto:
My dear friend Jason Vale is in federal prison....Jason has asked me to write to you and also Ms. Karen Bean and all other armwrestlers that know him and his character, to write a letter with a few words on his behalf, of what a great man he is.
Jason Vale, kindly asks the armwrestling community to write letters on his behalf of good conduct to impress the judge, to reduce his time....
Jason Vale has been imprisoned for contempt of court since August 15, 2003. He was selling apricot seeds,( which is the answer to cancer, that's what Jason says, because he says he had cancer, and the tumor has been eradicated because of the apricot seeds that Jason has been taking for years now ) through the internet, and AOL brought suit in federal court to stop Jason from spamming.
The judge ordered Jason to stop....But knowing that he was doing the work of God to save people from the awful cancer, Jason continued his crusade, to provide apricot seeds to the stricken people that had cancer....
This in short is the story...Jason asks all of the armwrestlers that know him to write a letter on his behalf as to his character and ethics.
If you could please post this letter on your website, and ask everyone and all your members to help with this matter, it will be greatly appreciated by Jason Vale...
Whoever will write letters, please send them to
Jason Vale 090 730 67
P.O. Box 329-002
Metropolitan Detention Center
Bklyn., NYC, 11232

For additional information read




ARMWRESTLING.COM- Dave Devoto (707) 537-7373

WEBMASTER- Gary Roberts (760) 468- 5459
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